young vic的场地氛围好剧组转场时默默收拾的场景也好GA演得很努力然而我认为舞台设计比较糟虽然旋转但视线多阻隔这么好的一个场地应该用一些更简洁更聪明的设计(比如深夜小狗)我的女朋友妈妈不断换衣穿衣对于人物帮助其实不大但想到若能现场看GA如此倾情演绎也确实快慰了最美谢幕时
The first story is about a man Reading a story about another man reading a story. The second story is about a man Reading a story about a man listening to a woman telling her story. The third story is about a woman being fucking eaten alive, pretty morbid.